May 22, 2008

Research article with reviewers comment in Biologydirect

I have seen few papers in Biology direct with reviewers comment and authors response. I am surprised to see this. For example, have a look at this article

Various hypotheses on MHC evolution suggested by the concerted evolution of CD94L and MHC class Ia molecules. Biology Direct 2006, 1:3doi:10.1186/1745-6150-1-3

Profiles in science

This is a interesting webpage in NCBI (Many do not know even i). Recently i have read a book on Molecular Modelling, in that book the author has provided this site

This is the biographies of some scientist. It is interesting. Have a look at it.

How to setup a default application for a file(like word with Microsoft word)

How to setup a default application for a file a particular file type?
text files with gedit or nedit
pdf files with acroread or xpdf
xml files with gedit or nedit

For example

I want all "xml" file types to openwith gedit (text editor).

Right click the file and select "Open with" "other application" you will get window like this (shown below). If you want to choose different editor choose the file types available.

Select the file type you want. I have selected gedit (text editor)

Now i can open all the "xml"(any application) files with gedit text editor

May 19, 2008

How to submit sequence in genbank (NCBI)






1) Open the NCBI home page (click genbank submission hyperlink)
2) You will get genbank overview(click submit to genbank)
3) You will get submit to genbank (clikc the right side BankIt)
4) You will get BankIt submission form (enter sequence length)
5)You can fill the BankIt sequence submission form


Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work - Edison