Apr 12, 2008

Interview with DG-CSIR

Hi friends,

Read this interview with Director general. Especially the first anonymous comment.


India struggles to find director for top research agency

In Nature News http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v447/n7142/full/447238b.html

Indian scientists battle journal retraction

In Nature News http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v447/n7146/full/447764a.html

The complexities of conducting science in India.


Give south Indian authors their true names


Its about my University


Its about my coimbatore

Coimbatore is known for its textile factories, engineering firms, automobile parts manufacturers, health care facilities, educational institutions, pleasant weather,and hospitality and more.


Briefings in Bioinformatics first impact factor is 24

Briefings in Bioinformatics impact factor is 24.37


A Nobel Warrior

All three winners of this year's Nobel Prize for Medicine are eminent scientists, but Mario Capecchi is the one with the spiral-staircase story: the starving, homeless Italian street kid who found his way to America, to Harvard, to Utah, ever the refugee, before finally arriving at eternal glory and the Nobel Prize. It's in many ways a familiar tale, Oliver Twist meets Albert Einstein, the pilgrim who comes to the promised land expecting, as he says, "the roads to be paved in gold. What I found actually was just opportunity." But his story also has enough nice serrated edges to challenge our theories about genes and genius and what really makes us who we are.


Video lectures

This is the useful site for the video lectures


Ten simple rules

In plos computational biology there are number of articles which is useful to graduate students, reviewers, post-docs, and so on.. read this it might be useful.


Flowers in our garden

On the Process of Becoming a Great Scientist

On the Process of Becoming a Great Scientist

A article in plos computational biology by Morgan C. Giddings


Nobel prizewinner's paper retracted

A paper in Nature co-authored by Nobel prizewinning scientist Linda Buck has been retracted after the researchers were unable to reproduce the results. The authors now report that they have found “inconsistencies” between the original data and the data published in 2001.


Water Muddy waters

India's population is growing, and its water supplies are not keeping pace. Can an ambitious scheme to connect up the country's rivers slake the nation's deepening thirst? Daemon Fairless investigates.


Malaria -eradication

Malaria Eradication in India: A Failure?

In the 7 December 2007 issue, L. Roberts and M. Enserink discuss malaria eradication in the News Focus story "Did they really say … eradication?"


Biotech in Bangalore

Bangalore has a growing biotech sector, supported by a tradition of academic science. But there are still challenges in committing to discovery science and retaining top talent. Gene Russo reports in nature.


Biofuel database



Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work - Edison